Research institutes have included that it's very difficult to stop drinking once you've started, due to a sense of wasting the drinking you've already done.
The same institutes also concluded that what you think about anything reflects what you guess that thing thinks about you. You understand?
Also, I didn't know newgrounds had SPAM!!!!
What up.
i was checking 'round for people near me, & I stumbled upon ur profile. u look like you're a fairly with it person, but I'm kinda new on this site, and don't know my way around here. Shouldn't they have a chat thing here? I hate sending messages to ppl, and sometimes not receiving a responce. Well, if you want to talkin' with me, u could catch me over at 576 , my name there is Jewels576.
So, ya, hope to see you there. always lookin' to meet more people.
Kelsey Ross
Accompanying this newspost is a comrade chuckling over the spineless American society.
"included" oh ho